What is a Ladder Climbing Game?
Games 101
When most people think of a ladder climbing game they picture one of those carnival games with the rope ladder that is nearly impossible to climb without falling off. That’s not the kind of game I’m talking about. In the board gaming world a ladder climbing game is played with cards where each player is ...

What is a Worker Placement Game?
Games 101
A worker placement game is a type of board game in which players take turns placing their game pieces (often called “workers”) on various spaces on the board to take actions or gather resources. The game often involves players competing to complete certain objectives. Worker placement games often require players to strategize and plan ahead ...

What is a deck building game?
Games 101
If you’ve read about us, you know that it was a deck building game that propelled us further into the board gaming hobby. It is one of my favorite types of games and one you should check out as you improve the collection on your shelf. In this post, we’ll explain what a deck building ...

What is a Deduction Game?
Games 101
Deduction games are a type of logic game in which players start with a set of incomplete information and must interact with other players or observe their behavior to decern additional information and win the game. A lot of games contain some element of deduction. Even in a game like poker players are using the ...

What is a Roll and Write Game?
Games 101
Roll and write games are a type of board game in which players roll dice and use the results to fill in predefined spaces on their individual game boards. Often these boards are simply a preprinted sheet of paper. The first player to complete their board (or to finish with the highest score) wins the ...

What are Co-op Board Games?
Games 101
We love introducing people to new games. One of my favorite things to bring to the table for someone who is new to board games, or hasn’t really played them since they were a kid, are co-op games. Unlike traditional board games where players compete against each other, cooperative board games involve players working together ...

What are Card Drafting Games?
Games 101
Table top gaming has evolved a lot in the past couple of decades with many new mechanics and game styles emerging. One of the mechanics that has really begun to take off is card drafting. Card drafting games are often very strategic, and can be quite addictive!. In this edition of Games 101, we will ...